Tattoos have become a mainstream way for people to create lasting marks of their personalities, style and obsessions. Now, a new company is offering a different type of skin-based memento: one-of-a-kind jewelry that replicates scars acquired in accidents and surgeries.
Launched earlier this year, It's My Scar makes wax renderings based on photos sent in by customers, and creates their highly personal piece of jewelry in 6–8 weeks. Prices range from USD 200–1,500, depending on the metal used and the type of piece requested—bracelet, ring, earrings or necklace.
The idea is to celebrate the meaning that a scar holds for the wearer. It's My Scar's founder created her first piece of scar jewelry based on her own surgery scar, to commemmorate suriving thyroid cancer. The company's motto is 'Claim your past and wear your story', and it encourages customers to share their own stories on the website. It's definitely one of the most meaningful examples of customization we've come across.