I spent Monday in bustling London, up at 3.30 am, fortified with a bowl of porridge and was at the Jaeger showrooms before 9.Oclock. The preview put my faith back into my ability to get excited by fashion. Maybe it was that Jaeger has transformed itself so amazingly into a collection that looks both current and timeless. Getting and remaining passionate about what I am selling is a major factor in driving business forward. I think that’s a principal that can be applied to any work that I do. If I am not enthusiastic about what I have to sell then how can customers be expected to be enthusiastic and spend their money?
Today I worked the phones until three O’clock making appointments with buyers or in several cases leaving messages. The appointments are coming along really nicely, no one is saying they don’t want to look or buy and that is I think because of the product I’m selling and nothing to do with me. Sales people often have the misguided opinion that it is their terrific sales ability that drives the business when often it is what they are selling rather than who is selling it. That may seem like I’m shooting myself in the foot here but I believe there is a large element of truth in it.
Years ago when I started in the business there was an agent who had a really terrible personal hygiene problem. So bad in fact that I personally could not go within 100 yards of them. It didn’t prevent lots of buyers treading a path to their door to buy the collections on sale. The Agent had a huge success, which, I think, proves my point!
I spent the rest of the afternoon in Portloise where I had a meeting with Heidi Higgins where she ran through her ideas for her next collection. Another hugely excited prospect is definitely in store. Have a fashionable week ahead….