Walking in a womans shoes nowadays can be tough. With children, husbands, work, mums, friends all to keep happy, but what about you?
Sophia Loren once said “A womans clothes should be like a barbed wire fence, serving their purpose without obstructing the view!” While the clothes we wear will never make us who we are, what we wear & how we feel in our clothes has a huge affect on our self-confidence & that helps make us who we are. Style fish was set up by Julie Cobbe to inspire women to find, develop & have fun with their style & beauty in an inspirational 8 week programme just for women! Making that ‘Stylish’ feeling accessible to women everywhere no matter what your lifestyle or budget! Someone once said 'Men look at themselves in mirrors, women look for themselves.' Women see a deeper meaning in themselves and sometimes just sometimes need a little help to see what they know to already be there. Style fish has done the research, asked the questions, road tested the classes & this ladies is what you have asked for! From body shapes to bras, from your colours to your closet, make-up to hair, confidence to calories, clothes swapping to clothes shopping and everything in between its not about buying more clothes its about understaning what suits you & what doesn’t, how to put together the clothes you have & how to get away from the ‘Nothing to wear’ Syndrome!
Each lady will walk away with their very own personalised‘Style fish Fashion Bible’, full body & colour analysis, exclusive Style Fish Membership Card with 12 months of offers, discounts & 'extras' all for you. We are offering a way for women to have fun, totally transform their Style, Image & Confidence, actually talk about something other than the recession & save money by avoiding costly mistakes!
Julie is a qualified Style Coach. She has worked in fashion & weddings in London, has been involved in bringing Ireland’s first ever designer Wedding Dress Sample Sale, Billion Dollar Brides to Ireland, she has appeared on TV3’s ‘Xpose’ & has written for numerous fashion publications on everything from fashion & weddings to life & love.
“You don’t have to spend a huge amount of money on personal shoppers & consultations, it’s simple, its cost effective, its fun & it will give you everything you need to totally transform how you feel about yourself & your style!” Julie
For further Information contact julie@stylefish.ie/ 087 4130336 or check out http://www.stylefish.ie/
Starting Dublin; Mon 25th May/ Venue; The Stillorgan Park Hotel, Dublin/ Time; 7.30pm – 9.30pm/ Cost; €299
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