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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Recession Proof Your Wardrobe by Julie Cobbe

What do you do when the recession has pretty much evaporated your Fashion Budget? (First of all Get thee to the nearest Style Fish Class to find out how to shop smarter for you first of all!)

Secondly follow our money saving tips to show you how to be fashionable & fabulous with just a few pennies and some clever thinking!

  1. Always choose quality over quantity. If you but a top that’s €60 and you wear its loads it is better than buying three tops for €20 that you only have like but bought because they were cheap! Naughty naughty and it needs to stop! Its called working out the ‘Cost per Wear’. Think about some of the clothes in your wardrobe – think ‘how much did I wear that Item and did I really get value for money whether it was cheap or expensive?’
  2. Now is the perfect time to re-discover what is in your closet! Start looking at the Items at the back of your wardrobe with a fresh eye. Get creative and use magazines and websites for Inspiration. Change the buttons on a Jacket to sparkly diamantes for the festive season, shorten a hem, add a brooch – get creative!
  3. Don’t bin faded Black items. Use fabric dye to restore them to their former glory. It’s simple to do and costs no more that €5!
  4. Declutter your wardrobe and organise a clothes swap party with a group of friends who should do the same. Give the clothes you never wear a better home in your friends wardrobe and you get something new for nothing!
  5. Treating the clothes you already own to extra special care and attention means fewer replacement purchases. Little things such as catching stains early, using fabric softener, mending holes, sewing in missing buttons.
  6. There is always an enormous growth in sales of accessories during a recession because if money is tight a bag or a piece of jewellery will feel like an affordable treat and will totally change the look of your outfit.
  7. Best advice in terms of buying clothes is to invest in better quality basics (jeans, Black Dress, white shirt etc) and simply update these each season through accessories)
  8. Always go for fit instead of Fashion Fads. Don’t obsess over the latest fashion must have and instead focus on pieces that really suit you and that you need as you will get much more wear from them!
  9. Keep an eye online an din shops for money off coupons, vouchers, buy one get one free deals etc. they are everywhere at the moment. But remember a bargain is only a bargain if you will wear and love it!

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