Fran and Jane have taken one step further in their move towards e-tailing having this week launched their brand new iPhone and iTouch application. The application is available for download from iTunes or directly from their website homepage www.franandjane.com. Although a number of the larger fashion retailers such as Zara and Oasis have successfully managed to secure their place onto the screens of fashionista’s the world over, Fran and Jane believe that their new app has that extra little bit of sparkle to win shoppers over!
Fran and Jane worked with Irish company Parnham to develop the iPhone and iTouch application and are delighted with how the team took their ideas for the brand and translated them into this mobile application.
Having recently added a quirky new blog the their website, the app will allow users to read about all Fran and Jane events, promotions and discounts in addition to anything the team finds news worthy from the world of fashion. The blog itself brings shoppers behind the scenes and into the design studio’s of Fran and Jane, affording them a ‘Sneak Peek’ at forthcoming collections as they are created. Fran and Jane pride themselves on the quality of materials which they use and so have dedicated a specific section of the blog called ‘Launderette’ to giving their shoppers care label and washing instructions to ensure the quality of their garments is maintained.
Not only does the app allow shoppers to keep up to speed through their blog and with notifications on their constant new arrivals into store, but it also enables users to email looks to friends and family for that vital second opinion, or if shoppers spot something they know would just look great on a friend! To add that extra little bit of glamour to any iPhone or iTouch all looks and also the oh so cute Fran and Jane logo’s can even be set as wallpaper – we love it!
Well if we haven’t convinced you yet how great this new app is; there is one key exclusive iPhone / iTouch feature we know no true Fran and Jane fan will be able to resist! Having downloaded the application every shopper is entitled to present the VIP screen in store and will then receive 10% off any Fran and Jane purchase each time they are in store!!! This unique feature is a great little perk and provides shoppers with even more of an incentive do download the app.
Fran and Jane are currently working hard behind the scenes to become a known and respected online retailer. Successful website sales and a strong response to social networking activity have encouraged increased investment online, with a new and improved website set to be unveiled for Autumn Winter 10/11……..watch this space!
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