Ok, I admit there was a hell of a lot of bad news floating around this week and there were moments when I could almost taste the despair as I binged on one news programme after another which all promised Armageddon.
I could have stayed at home and curled up under the duvet but it didn’t take much to refocus my mind to business and get back to doing what I do and enjoying the challenge. Yummie Tummie orders are flowing in following huge press following Heather Thomsons visit a few weeks ago. Oprah has chosen one of the tanks as one of her favorite things again!! Of course product is king and this week I have been offered three really great new Agencies. One thing is for sure by the start of 2011 I will have several top brands on a short order basis and one strong forward order collection. This is the way business has moved on. When I started as an agent fifteen years ago everything was based on the forward order basis. Now it’s one to three weeks with all goods pre paid for. This is a healthy way for both the retailers and the agents/wholesalers. You buy what you need when you need it, sell it and buy again. It all reminds me of the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker. Do you remember that fairy tale?. The Elves made a pair of shoes when the shoemaker was down to his last piece of leather. The shoes were so good they sold and the money bought enough leather for two pairs of shoes which the Elves kindly made and so on and so on.
So the motto of the tale is keep close to what your customers want and need, keep good stock control and re-order just enough of what you need.
Have a fashionable week ahead….
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