There’s a definite nip in the air. I arrived in work yesterday with my feet peeping out from their sandals and shivered for the first half of the day. During the second half we were basking in the heat of the sun and my toes were toasty warm again. While the majority of the population are bemoaning the impending onset of autumn and winter all of us in the business of selling clothing are quietly happy that the weather seems to be behaving appropriately. Buyers arriving to me are telling me about all the stock arriving daily into their shops many of them are already selling the new arrivals well. Some buyers ask me where their orders are, as they haven’t received deliveries yet. I have to gently remind them that when I asked whether they would like August deliveries all those months ago they said definitely not and that September would be plenty time! I am personally a great believer of early delivery as there are always women who are keen to see the new seasons clothes and are fed up of sales which sometimes seem to go on forever. It is also easier as an agent to sell forward if the buyer coming in has already had a delivery and a good reaction to the last seasons buy.
Monday found me talking on the radio about MAMILS (middle aged men in Lycra) a subject I have to admit I hadn’t given much thought to though I have noticed lots more cyclists whizzing by me in various sports gear as I stall in yet another traffic jam. When I am asked to do any radio work it demands a couple of hours research so Sunday evening was spent looking at websites that sell cycling gear and finding out the origins of lycra (spandex in the US). All good for the mind though I do have to drag myself away from the computer at times. Twitter, Facebook, blogging and surfing are quite addictive. I was seriously chuffed when Stephen Frye replied to a tweet to him last night, perhaps it just shows how truly addicted I really am. Time to go for a walk I think…. Have a fashionable week ahead.
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