Press days demand a huge amount of organisation and the Yummie Tummie one planned for next Tuesday is no exception. Founder Heather Thomson along with her PR and marketing team will be in Dublin for one day. Maximising that day which starts at 5 am with make up and hair and ends at 7 in the evening and includes, TV, Presentations to Press and an In- store customer event has to be organised with military precision. Yummie Tummie is an American company and business is conducted in a very different and highly efficient way. The PR Boutique here in Ireland is working to the highest standards and I’m expecting a really great result from the day.
Working with several different companies means adapting to each of their different methods of conducting business. What are particular to each are the personal friendships and contacts that develop over a working life and often go on even when either the business or the personal has moved on.
One essential rule is to try and conduct business in an ethical and honest fashion. The challenges facing all business today is throwing up some dishonest dealings which is really unfortunate and distasteful. Those in business need to keep in mind the principals of honest trading and face into any difficulties with honesty and courage.
Have a fashionable week ahead………
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