I’m booked to go on Holiday next week, (ash permitting) and trying to organise everything so that business continues and there are no problems whilst I’m away is proving very difficult.
One range of clothing that was supposed to be in a couple of weeks ago only arrived today. Invitations for Heidi Higgins Autumn/Winter collection which we are showing from 26May for one week need to be sent and appointments made. Several orders for Yummie Tummie plus lots of new enquiries have to be dealt with. Blog posts need to be written and banked and to top it all I need to sort out my clothes and shoes which are still in storage. I have a head like a sieve which means that unless I write lists I’m sure to miss out something important.
Right now I am at the stage where I’m making a list of the lists!
I’m working really hard selling tickets at the moment for the Jazz/Barbecue on May 20th in Joys Nightclub, Baggot Street Dublin for the Children’s Unit in the NRH which is where my daughter spent nine months after a very serious accident. The tickets are €25 each so if anyone is looking for a great night out please do get in touch.
It’s always great to see the comments on the blog posts. Sometimes they appear on my blog but more and more often appear on Twitter. I didn’t have a clue what Twitter really was this time last year, mind you I didn’t really know what a blog was either. I am more and more convinced that if fashion retailers and customers too ignore social media they put themselves at a distinct disadvantage. I have probably written about this before so forgive me for boring you all stupid. The whole thing about Social Media is that it is just that, Social. We are creating a dialogue with our readers/customers and it’s not all about business. There are real friends to be made and conversations to be had as well as increasing our business profiles.
At the Punchestown Races recently three separate women came up to me to tell me they were regular readers of my blog. That was quite an interesting experience. Even though I know several hundreds of people read it each week, apart from my friends I really didn’t know who they were. To have people come up and say they love my posts made me feel quite chuffed.
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