The Harris Agencies Showroom looks like a bomb hit it. It’s like moving house twice a year. Old samples out, new ones in (if only it were that simple). It’s not just the samples, it’s the accompanying paperwork, posters, price lists and POS material. Replicate this over several ranges and if we are not organised we are talking true mayhem! As well as all the collections arriving there are range meetings to attend, three in London this month already and appointments to be made.
It’s always exciting opening the new boxes of clothes. The Muubaa came in during the week and is just gorgeous. I’m really looking forward to taking orders on this collection. Falke is also in which is a major operation since there are hundreds of samples, each one has to be listed, priced and looked at. One job that is most important is a run through in detail of every piece in every collection.
I’m sure I’ve said it before but there is one aspect of this work that I don’t like and it’s making appointments by phone. I could kiss my customers who do it all by email, it makes life so much easier. I love a full diary and I’m glad to say it’s filling up nicely. In the meantime I’m at home now and will be working on answering emails, blogging and making lists for tomorrow late into the night. Tomorrow is another day…Have a fashionable week ahead….
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