An honest appraisal of where we are all at is most important as we review the selling and how things are ticking along in the showroom. To say that the past few weeks have been challenging is a bit of an understatement as election fever and depression gripped the nation and buyers who had nerves shattered either froze or ducked for cover. The fact that I sell lots of different collections was a huge factor in bringing the buyers in and writing orders. Falke, Jaeger and Yummie Tummie were selling well and the surprise new collection is Solsani which is from Germany and designed by the original Nicowa designers. It has really sold well and for a collection having its first outing in Ireland I’m very hopeful for it. One thing I have noticed that many of the buyers are telling me and that is that they want quality products which offer good value for money, nothing cheap and nasty!
The Futura fair was on in the RDS and was squashed into a small space because a certain election count was also taking place in the same venue! It was by all accounts a miserable affair. Just read a blow by blow account on the Lady Umbrella.com website for a true and honest diary of their experience of the show and it doesn’t make for happy endings. I’m so happy to be in cosy showroom in Dublin working away and hoping that a new government can at least give people hope and encouragement. For the future of the Independent retailer in Ireland who are working harder than ever depends upon it.
I was interrupted yesterday by a call from Ryan Tubridy about Galliano and his spectacular fall from grace. You can hear the podcast by clicking on the link on my website but let’s just say I think it was ‘robust’ in nature!
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